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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2021): 6.013 | Impact Factor(2022): 6.725

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Paper Details


Vol. 10, Jul-Dec 2020 | Page: 73-82

Dr. Laxmi Rani
Associate Prof. MSKB College, BRA BU, Muzaffarpur (Supervisor)

Mrs. Manju Kumari
M.A., M.Ed., Asst. Professor, Lala Preetam B.Ed. College, Research Scholar in Education, BRABU

Received: 08-08-2020, Accepted: 15-09-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020

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In this modern era, stress has become a universal phenomenon. Abrol discussed that every person wants more and more for the attainment of pleasure, due to this competition is increased in every field of life and this competition generates stress among people, no doubt the competition is must but we don’t ignore its result in the recent years as more and more women are coming to take on many jobs. “the tendency to aggress on frustration is instinctive and exists in adults as well as children whenever techniques are inadequate to achieve goals. Frustration results when the individual is denied the achievement of the goal which he seeks. Frustration included cessation of reward, followed by an emotional reaction which facilitated interfering response. A sense of meaning in life can also make a difference in the degree to which frustrations get us down, perhaps because the major goals seem so much more important than the kinds of situations that may be blocking them. The concept of adjustment is originally biological as propounded in Darwin’s theory of Natural selection and adaptation to the environment’. The concept of adaptation was borrowed by psychologists and named as 'adjustment’. Satisfaction of one need as opposed to other needs may not provide full satisfaction. On the other hand, failure to gratify a strong need or to respond to a strong external demand may result in painful tensions. Binet: - “Intelligence is a capacity to think well, to judge well and to be self-critical. This shows that significant difference exist in frustration level between scheduled caste students (Girls), having high and low Intelligence groups.

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