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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2021): 6.013 | Impact Factor(2022): 6.725

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Paper Details


Vol. 10, Jul-Dec 2020 | Page: 86-93

Dr. R K Jha
Asst Prof (M Ed), LN Mishra College of Business Management, Teachers Education Programme, BRABU, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India

Rajendra Prasad Yadav
Research Scholar, (Education), BRABU, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India Asst Prof, Dr S Radhakrishnan Teachers’ Training College, Lari, Ramgarh (VBU)

Received: 09-08-2020, Accepted: 19-09-2020, Published Online: 30-09-2020

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Life has been so many facets, so that our preparations for it should be manifold. This means covering a wide area of activities that may range from simple to the most complicated .It is for the reason that man is described as a social animal. The magic world that makes human life dynamic and makes him a multi colored shall on the shore of sea of society is emotion. Emotions have strong link with urges, need and interests. If they are satisfied, an individual is said to be enjoying a happy life and is emotionally stable, balance and healthy in different environment. The word "Emotion" is came out from the Latin word ‘’emovere‟ which means „ to stir up‟ or „to excite‟. Emotion can thus be understood as an agitated as excited state of our mind and body. Positive emotions give energy to our life. It helps us to faith in god. Negative emotions are like anger, fear, hate; negativity put bad effect on our mentality as well as on our health. Negative emotions make our life hell. Emotional maturity is that characteristic of emotional behavior which is generally attained by an adult after his adolescence period Emotional maturity; makes him able to demonstrate a well-balanced emotional behavior in his day-to-day life. 'There is also conformity or non-conformity, privilege and non-privilege, nurturance rejection or acceptance. All these factors are affecting the home environment, which encourage or discourage the child's social development and in turn the mental and physical states too. From this viewpoint we can also conclude that environment may differ due to Urban and rural factors as well as gender factors which play some kind of role in both the environment simply but it comes between educational acquisition patterns and educational achievements which may be the result of it.

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