The healthy upbringing of a child is crucial to its education. This paper determines whether health plays a role in real life enrollment of children into the education system. The research will be conducted in the Indian landscape. It will take a look at how the existing Governments till date have tackled these problems in history and where their approaches have lacked. This important work is done by evaluating to how many and at what frequency, the vaccinations are provided to children, in addition to how many of them perish before turning 5. It is also of utmost importance that the offspring has access to adequate amounts of nutritious food at all times. I’ve prepared a frame consisting of all terminologies and measurements. Further, how these tools are put into practice today is studied for these metrics will be explained. The author describes the tools that 1) provide figures of nation-wide immunization, 2) describe under-5 mortality rates in India and 3) put malnutrition numbers into focus. By describing these tools, it will become easier to prepare an econometric model to understand the implications these factors have. The paper will conclude by coming up with solutions to the problems faced by children with poor health.
Simran Pal Singh
Received: 10-02-2021, Accepted: 01-04-2021, Published Online: 19-05-2021