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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2020): 5.790 | Impact Factor(2021): 6.013

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Paper Details

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Male Chauvinism

Vol. 14, Jul-Dec 2022 | Page: 58-70

Dr. Ihsan Hashim Abdulwahid
Department of English, College of Education, University of Thi-Qar, Iraq

Thura Ghalib Hashim
General Directorate of Education, Thi-Qar, Iraq

Received: 20-08-2022, Accepted: 24-09-2022, Published Online: 19-10-2022

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This paper aims at showing how to apply the multimodal aspect of discourse analysis to express the social problem concerning with how males treat females in most societies, it is the male chauvinism. This problem explicitly can be explicated in all types of discourse, and this study focuses on how to expose such a phenomenon in the multimodal discourse. It shows how females around the world suffer from the way by which males unfairly look at them. This can be embodied in many images posted in different sorts of the social media, such as Google, Facebook, You Tube, TikTok, and so on. Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework (2006) is adopted to analyze and interpret the data collected. Multimodal discourse analysis is highly rooted in Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (1994).

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