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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2020): 5.790 | Impact Factor(2021): 6.013

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Paper Details

Impact of Entrepreneurial Awareness on Achieving Excellent Performance: An Exploratory Study for Opinions of a Sample of Departments Operating in Premium and First-Class Hotels in City of Baghdad

Vol. 14, Jul-Dec 2022 | Page: 101-124

Jakub Safar Ali
College of Tourism Sciences, Al Mustansryia University, Iraq

Received: 19-06-2022, Accepted: 02-08-2022, Published Online: 23-11-2022

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The research aims to frame the nature of theoretical relationships by surveying the most prominent theoretical literature for the research variables and everything related to them, by defining the concepts and the importance of the dimensions of the responsive and explanatory research variables, and showing the extent to which, this rooting can be applied in the reality of the Iraqi hotel environment, which is characterized by complexity. The research problem was crystallized in its field dimension through the researcher's follow-up to the overall indicators of the Iraqi hotel activity, as the departments working in this field were unable to adopt the processes related to the conversion of sensory inputs, editing, storing and retrieving information in order to take the first steps to create the event and the reflection of those steps through highly developed performance data, and the research sample was (130). A view from the departments operating in the first-class and first-class hotels in Baghdad, as (5) hotels were chosen, which are the most famous in this sector, and their opinions were surveyed through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose and analyzed according to statistical programs. One of the most prominent conclusions is that the sample is interested in searching for real opportunities under The state of overcrowding in the hotel business and the impact of the economic, security and health conditions that Iraq and the world are going through In recent years, which imposed a state of stagnation on the level of general and hotel performance in particular, which raises the importance of the ability of any administration to seize opportunities (buried) in light of such environmental data. The current within the tourist market and the departure from the state of isolation and retreat on the internal environment of the hotel and the development of benchmarking standards for the target performance levels

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