Just as different ornaments are needed to beautify a woman, in the same way, to enhance the beauty of poetry, there is a need for decorations in it. The lyricist decorates his song both internally and externally. The emotional side is directly related to the heart of the work, because the heart is the basis of feelings. The artistic side of the song is related to the intelligence of the lyricist. The art side is needed to reach the verbal expression of the heart's feelings and to present them in a charming way. The importance of coloring in the picture of the painter, the same importance is of the art side in making the emotion of the poem interesting and heart-warming.
- Vaman Shivarm Apte: Sanskrit Hindi Kosh, pg 1076
- Doorva, February 1994, pg 11
- Same, pg 11
- Swarbharti, pg 17
- Same, pg 26
- Tadaiva Gaganan Saiv Dhara, pg 35
- Same, pg 19
- Jai Bharat Bhoome, pg 44-45
- Nirjharini, pg 90
- Jai Bharat Bhoome, pg 45
- Same, pg 48
- Same, pg 35-36
- Same, pg 50-52
- Vagvdhooti, pg 12
- Shrutimbhara, pg 54
- Shodashi, pg 20
- Bhati me Bharatam, pg 13
- Same
- Same, pg 4
- Same
- Geetdhivaram, pg 31
- Tadaiva Gaganan Saiv Dhara, pg 41
- Nirjharini, Vaktarang, pg 38
- Nirjharini, pg 13
- Nisyandini, pg 57
- Balgitali, pg 52
- Balgitali, pg 52
- Balgitali, pg 52
- Swarabharati, pg 35
- Tadaiva Gaganan Saiv Dhara, pg 129
- Saraswatsamunmeshah, pg 14
- Nirjharini, pg 88
- Nridvika, pg 37-38
- Nridvika, pg 37-38
- Nridvika, pg 37-38
Dr. Neeraj Kumari
Associate Professor, Sanskrit Department Thakur Biri Singh Degree College Tundla, Firozabad, India
Received: 03-08-2017, Accepted: 15-11-2017, Published Online: 28-11-2017