This study was conducted for the aim to find the job satisfaction of academic staff in Ghaziabad. Important
factors that have an impact on job satisfaction level are pay, job security, relationship with coworkers and
relationship with supervisor. A sample of 84 teachers is selected by simple random sampling technique. Data is
collected from four colleges both public and private in Ghaziabad region. Simple percentages indicated that
academic staff of these four colleges is more satisfied with relationship with coworkers and supervisor than pay
and job security.
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- Chaudhary M Vinita, (July 2015) “Aided or Self Financed Institution Teachers: Who Satisfied More?” in a peer reviewed and referred International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences (IRJHRSS).
- Viet VV (2013) Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members, VNU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 29: 24-29.
Dr. Vinita M Chaudhary
Assist. Professor., ( Gzb.)
Received: 03-07-2016, Accepted: 16-08-2016, Published Online: 22-08-2016