Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a method that is very context-sensitive, democratic, and takes an ethical perspective on social problems to change society. CDA examines the connections between language and the social and political settings in which it is utilized. This study aims to examine the true objective and purpose of political speeches on online education. It investigates political discourse about online education. A CDA of political speech from online education is used in the present study, which is text qualitative research. Understanding and analyzing this communication was made easier by using this approach. We compile a dataset that includes academic settings, and the dataset is preprocessing using stop word removal, stemming, and dimensionality reduction, and then conduct statistical analysis using ANOVA. The findings may be useful for researchers doing more CDA research. The suggested system's effectiveness is assessed using accuracy and computation times are compared with conventional methodologies to prove the efficiency of the system.
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Dr. Bushra Ni'ma Rashid
College of Education, Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences, The Department of English, Iraq
Received: 02-01-2023, Accepted: 05-02-2023, Published Online: 18-06-2023