Focus of this study is to determine the effect of teacher’s emotional intelligence and teacher freezing on Teacher’s Performance and Academic Achievement of student’s at secondary level; the sample consists of 250 teachers (male and female) and 250 students from different schools of district Saharanpur. The study used to collect data from independent and dependent variables of this present investigation TeacherFreezing Scale by Hassen Taj (1971) Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence inventory by Shubhara Mangal (1971). Present study is limited to public and government school teacher of district Saharanpur. Only descriptive survey method is employed to study. Results indicate that there is significant effect of teacher’s emotional intelligence and teacher freezing on teacher performance and academic achievement of students
Research Scholar Mewar University,Chittorgarh
Dr. Shubhara Chaturvedi
Guide, Professor (Edu.Dept.), J.V.Jain Clg, Saharanpur
Received: 25-07-2017, Accepted: 05-08-2017, Published Online: 15-08-2017