More technological products are adding up to environmental degradation and further causing great concern to humanity. Many scientists are of the conviction that our world will definitely come to an end if a wars breaks out involving humanity and technology. Technology they say is advancing to an extent beyond the control of those who have made it. Despite this, it is hard for humanity to do away with technology. Both proponents and opponents of technologies will be worried with the extreme of probable impacts, and the debate can be vulnerable or stifled as an end result. How then, can we assure that modern and emerging technologies are valuable, accountable, and sustainable? The focal argumentation in this paper is to ascertain that we are living in an era of technology that guarantees remarkable change. With major technological upheavals coming, improved moral thinking in terms of being better informed and improved ethical deeds in terms of being more proactive are necessary
Joseph N Ogar
Department of Philosophy University of Calabar, Calabar
Ushie Abel Idagu
Department of Philosophy University of Calabar, Calabar
Samuel Akpan bassey
Post Graduate Student, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River, 540242, Nigeria.
Received: 15-11-2017, Accepted: 21-12-2017, Published Online: 05-01-2018