In rural and remote areas, there have been establishment of educational institutions and
training centres. Theprimaryobjective of these educational institutions and training centres is to enhance
the lives of the individuals, so that they can alleviate the conditions of poverty and backwardness, make
provision of employment opportunities, and sustain their living conditions efficiently. The rural
communities need to be aware of advancements, modernization and innovative strategies. The main
purpose of this research paper focuses upon educational institutions and training centres in rural and
remote areas. The aspects that have been taken into account include, areas focused upon in rural and
remote education, teachers in rural and remote areas, characteristics of teachers in rural and remote
schools, benefits of educational institutions in rural and remote areas, disadvantages of educational
institutions in rural and remote areas, measures implemented to improve education in rural and remote
areas and E-Learning services for rural communities
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Dr. Radhika Kapur
Received: 02-12-2017, Accepted: 09-01-2018, Published Online: 27-01-2018