Within educational institutions at all levels, the behaviour of the students need to be managed and
members of the institutions are required to bring about improvements in the implementation of tasks and
functions. The main purpose of this research paper is to understand the impact of classroom management
on student’s behaviour. There have been cases, when students depict unacceptable behaviour traits, which
are required to get modified for leading to their effective growth and development. It is necessary to
develop skills and capabilities among the students that are necessary to achieve the desired goals. The
main areas that have been taken into account include, classroom management strategies, traditional and
consistency management and co-operative discipline within the classrooms, theoretical framework:
classroom management approaches, classroom management interventions, the effect of classroom
management on task-behaviour, the effect of task-behaviour on student learning, the role of instruction
and effects of classroom management on students behaviour.
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Dr. Radhika Kapur
Received: 16-01-2018, Accepted: 24-02-2018, Published Online: 07-02-2018