Cultivation of rice in Ethiopia is generally a recent phenomenon. Rice has become a commodity of strategic
significance across many parts of Ethiopia for domestic consumption as well as export market for economic
development. This study was conducted in Libo Kemekem Woreda, Amhara Region. The main purpose of this
study was to analyze the determinants of smallholder farmers’ participation in rice market. In this study three
representative Kebeles were selected using multistage sampling technique. Then, sample household farmers
were drawn by random sampling technique. Thus, 215 smallholder rice producer farmers were selected to the
study, and through questionnaire and interview data were gathered. The collected data then be analyzed using
SPSS and the results were interpreted and presented using descriptive statistics. Hence, the result revealed that
91.2% were male headed households and 8.8% were female headed. The minimum ageof participants were 29
and the maximum age was 70. About 94.9% of respondents were married, 3.3% were divorced, and 1.9% was
separated; the major reason for growing rice was mainly for market. The result also identified about 98.1%
smallholder farmer heads were members of cooperatives. On the contrary, farmers faced lack of improved seed
and fertilizer, fear of crop failure due to unexpected rains and existence of different diseases. Based on the
research findings the possible recommendations forwarded. Improving the extension services, strengthening
capacity building and fulfilling infrastructure in the study area are crucially important to help farmers to
actively participate in the rice marke
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Endesew Eshetie
University of Gondar College of Business and Economics Department of Marketing Management
Received: 23-05-2019, Accepted: 05-07-2019, Published Online: 17-07-2019