This study was dedicated to investigate grade 7 EFL teacher’s perceptions and classroom practices with regard
to grammar teaching. Hence, an EFL teacher was selected based on available sampling technique.
Observations were employed to see the actual practices of grammar lessons in the classroom. Besides, postobservation interview was also conducted to know the perceptions of a teacher about grammar teaching. Both
of them were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of the study, in general, indicated that teachers still teach
grammar following structural approach which has been criticized as traditional, teacher centered and focus
on accuracy. Moreover, the data gained via observation revealed that there is inadequate knowledge of the
teacher in the teaching of grammar. The findings of the unstructured interview also showed that the teacher
favored the traditional approach to grammar teaching. There was a discrepancy among perceptions and
practices of the teacher, and what the contemporary literatures suggest about the best way to teach grammar
in general. Be that as it may, the overall findings of the study indicated that there is a correlation between
teacher’s perceptions and classroom practices.
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Mengistie Shiferaw Kebede
College of Social Science and Humanities Department of English Language and Literature Gondar, Ethiopia
Received: 29-12-2018, Accepted: 11-02-2019, Published Online: 24-07-2019