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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2021): 6.013 | Impact Factor(2022): 6.725

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Paper Details


Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019 | Page: 53-63

Yaregal Desalegn Mossie
Lecturer, in the department of History and Heritage Management University of Gondar, Ethiopia.

Received: 12-06-2019, Accepted: 24-07-2019, Published Online: 05-08-2019

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Culture is unique features of one community. Though, the community belief and live with the culture he behaves. So, the major objective of this research paper is to describe marriage practice and types of marriage among Dibate Shinasha community Northern -Western, Ethiopia. The research was conducting by using both primary and secondary sources. So, the study indicates that in Benishangul-Gumuz regional state, Mettekel Zone,Dibate District the Shinasha community have different marriage types are practiced. These are Wida, Ṫs’tsa, Biqqa (Puriyya), Jiwa and N’aata’. Wida marriage system was practiced by the interest of the young family members. In this marriage practice the shimagiles from the beginning up to the end followed the process. Ṫs’tsa was practiced by agreement between the young male and female but not accepted by both families due to it was out of the interest of the family. Biqqa (Puriyya) was practiced by force means the young man and his friends collaborate and took the girl. Jiwa was practiced by taking the leaf of tree by the shimagiles went to the female’s house. This was also targeted due to the young boy want to immediately to marry the girl. Finally, N’aata’ marriage which was practiced when the husband of the woman died the elder of the husband brother or relative family married the woman by agreement. Swiss official fake rolex watches UK for sale are cheap for men and women.
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