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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2021): 6.013 | Impact Factor(2022): 6.725

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Paper Details


Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019 | Page: 78-104

Selamawit Zewdie Yenesew
College of Social Science and Humanities Department of English Language and Literature University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Received: 22-06-2019, Accepted: 08-08-2019, Published Online: 26-08-2019

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Critical pedagogy (CP) has brought about positive changes in the field of education by shifting from traditional pedagogy to emancipatory pedagogy. CP which derives its interest from critical theory is a postmodern approach which is relatively a new paradigm in teaching language. However, not much research has been conducted on the perception and practice of EFL teachers with respect to the basic tenets of CP. This article details a descriptive research on the perception and practice of the principles of CP in EFL classroom. The main reason behind this study was to examine the tendency to which Ethiopian EFL teachers in higher education preparatory schools in Central Gondar town apply principles of CP and their perception towards it. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study a validated questionnaire and a structured classroom observation were employed. To this end, a critical language pedagogy questionnaire was adapted from by Macki & Alibakhshi (2011) and Paudel (2014) and piloted that its reliability was found to be 0.82 through Cronbach apha. The observation checklist was prepared from the literature and reviewed by EFL instructors. Both results found from the questionnaire and observations were analyzed quantitatively. The result revealed that even if EFL teachers do have relatively good perception on the principles of CP their practice was found to be in contrast with their perception. Based on that the researcher recommended that it is a paramount to investigate the factors that hinder them not to practice what they perceive. 1:1 best replica watches UK in discount from online store. Fast shipping. Money back guaranty.
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