In Ethiopia women constitute a majority of the poor, while at the same time they constitute a larger proportion of
the household heads. Even though, regarding the factors that make women's participation of labour force in the
different sector are important there is no detailed study focusing on this issue in the area under investigation.
Hence, this study investigated socio-demographic determinants of women labour force participation in the labour
market in Gondar City of Amhara region. In order to achieve the objective and requirements of the study, the
methodology employed here is a multistage sampling design. The study employed both bi-variate and logistic
analysis. 390 eligible women were selected using systematic random sampling techniques in four sub cities. The
result of the analysis leads to the conclusion that age, marital status, educational status, presence of young
children, house hold size and relationship to the household significantly determine female labour force
participations in the area under study. On the other hand, migration status, husband’s educational status and
religion were found insignificant to determine the propensity of women participation to labour market. Finally,
from the findings of the study it is recommended that regional state and central government should concentrate
on increasing female labour force participation with appropriate policy of providing education and training to
all females as well as labour market policies, programs and initiatives need to be developed in order to improve
the current situation and promote labour market participation of women’s
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Bisrat Worku Gebreyes
Department of Population Studies, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia
Received: 26-07-2019, Accepted: 11-09-2019, Published Online: 24-09-2019