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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2021): 6.013 | Impact Factor(2022): 6.725

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Paper Details


Vol. 8, Jul-Dec 2019 | Page: 215-233

Instructor Dr. Rasim Tayeh Jehjooh

Prof.. Nidham (Ph.D)

Received: 17-08-2019, Accepted: 09-10-2019, Published Online: 23-10-2019

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The interaction of phonology with other components of the grammar can be understood in a wider context. It is well known that the theory of Lexical Phonology (henceforth LP) seeks to explain the inter-relationships between morphology and phonology by allocating some of the phonological processes to the dictionary or lexicon in which the morphemes reside. The functions of brackets and boundary symbols found in other phonological representations are subsumed into the domains of both morphological and framework of the system of phonological rules within the lexicon and they are subdivided into strata which define both the type of morphological process applicable and the mode of operation (i.e. whether cyclic or noncyclic) of the associated phonological rules. Processes applied on early strata are invisible to those of later strata through the application of the 'Bracket Erasure Convention .' This paper consists of three sections. Section One presents an overview of nonlinear phonology . Section two deals with cyclic phonology ,whereas section three is devoted to the phonological effects of word formation processes. Top breitling replica watches UK online with practical functions for female and male watch wearers.
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