This paper deals with selected notes about green campaign travelers, whom they seem to be, played a fundamental
role in agricultural productive development in Ethiopian history. This includes spreading of health, education,
infrastructure and permanent settlement, with special reference to rise of state farm or green campaign in Setit
Humera area. Hence their contribution covers many multifarious sides for examples, social, economic and industrial
frustration status of the country, security disabilities (became unstable), and administrative situation of the vast
agriculture productive areas of Humera. Green campaign is one of measures been put forward to mitigate significant
impacts of the campaign stock on the environment, society and economy. However, there is lack of a systematic review
of this large number of studies that is critical for the future endeavor. The last decades have witnessed rapid growing
number of studies on green campaign. This paper covers a critical review of the existing body of knowledge of
researches related to green campaign. The Green Campaign has contributed to Setit Humera agriculture importantly
and transformed Ethiopia from a starving nation to exporter. This study aims to determine the extent to which the
selected social-economic characteristics and attitudinal factors influence respondents to have the intention to change
their behavior for a green way. Based on the results there is a positive reaction towards go green campaigns among
the respondents. The common themes are the definition and scope of green campaign; quantification of benefits of
green campaigns compared to conventional campaigns; and various approaches to achieve green campaigns. It is
found that the existing studies played predominately focus on the environmental aspect of green campaign. Other
dimensions of sustainability of green campaign, especially the social sustainability is largely overlooked effects of
climatic conditions on the effectiveness of green campaign assessment tools, validation of real performance of green
campaigns, unique demands of specific population, and future proofing
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Destaw Filatie
Lecturer, College of Social Science and Humanities, Department of History and Heritage Management. University of Gondar Received:15th November, 2019; Accepted:28th December, 2019; Published: 21st January,2020
Received: 27-12-2020, Accepted: 03-02-2020, Published Online: 17-02-2020