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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2020): 5.790 | Impact Factor(2021): 6.013

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Paper Details


Vol. 9, Jan-Jun 2020 | Page: 18-28

Destaw Filatie
Lecturer, College of Social Science and Humanities, Department of History and Heritage Management. University of Gondar Received:15th November, 2019; Accepted:28th December, 2019; Published: 21st January,2020

Received: 04-12-2020, Accepted: 12-01-2020, Published Online: 23-01-2020

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Cooperative farming led by smallholder farmers might be the feature of Ethiopia’s agriculture. The cooperatives were thus permitted to exchange their members’ product, improve market access and directly provide their produce to the market through improving the bargaining power of farmer members. The paper explores the potential of cooperative farming and mechanization. It reveals that a number of informal, community supported cooperative practices are already in place, although sesame, sorghum and cotton farming is still labor intensive and inefficient. The paper argues that mechanization of key activities and institutionalization of cooperative farming may reverse the situation and improve food security. In Walkait Setit Humera sorghum and sesame farming is relevant to other parts of rural Ethiopia as well as most of the country is employing similar agricultural practices. Therefore, this study was conducted with the objective of assessing the establishment and developments for agricultural cooperatives growth in Walkait Setit Humara, North West Ethiopia. In this research paper primary and secondary data on cooperative farming association for Walkait Setit Humera was used to review the areas specific cooperative farming association and its implications for economic development. Agricultural cooperatives in the study area faced many challenges including lack of sense of ownership and low follow up and control system; lack of commitment, members little awareness about cooperatives, low participation of members in their cooperatives, limited training access; limited professional support and follow up to cooperatives, lack of commitment to find out the problems of cooperatives and fill the gap; fail to organize and provide adequate, quality and timely information on cooperatives and high employee turnover at zone and woreda levels. The above challenges may be easy if educated cooperative professionals were invited to lead the sector. Training to office bearers and education to the members pertaining to their specific needs is another important aspect for the growth of any cooperatives.

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