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International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN:2455-5142 | P-ISSN:2455-7730
Impact Factor(2020): 5.790 | Impact Factor(2021): 6.013

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Past Issue : Vol. 12, Jul-Dec 2021

Tagore and Ecocriticism: An Introduction

The Similar Aspects between Edward Bond's Lear and William Shakespeare's King Lear

Asst. Instr. Adnan Taher Rahma

Asst. Instr. Salman Hayder Jasim

31-07-2021 Page: 10-26

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Dominant Ideology in Orwell’s Novel “Animal Farm”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Selected Extracts

Khalid Sh sharhan

Naseer Shukur Hussein

Majid Rasim Younus

04-08-2021 Page: 27-42

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Nineteenth Addenda to Criticism of the Current Science in the World

Pejman Malekinejad

Page: 43-53

[This paper was withdrawn due to certain technical errors]

Pejman Malekinejad


Twenty-First Addenda to Criticism of the Current Science in the World

Pejman Malekinejad

Page: 54-62

[This paper was withdrawn due to certain technical errors]

Pejman Malekinejad


Investigate ESL Learners’ Attitudes towards Error Correction in Speaking Skills

Dr. Edhah Numan Khazaal

07-10-2021 Page: 63-80

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Human & Machine Translation: Which Wins?

Eman Abdulsalam Al-Khalil

02-11-2021 Page: 82-99

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Role of Language Skills in Organizational Performance

K Jayanthi

K Ishwer Singh

03-11-2021 Page: 101-108

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English ‘Homonymy’ and Arabic ‘Mushtaraku Lafzi’ in Selected Literary Texts: A Semantic Contrastive Analysis

Study of Creativity of Students Studying at the High School Level of Government Girls Inter College in the Context of Scientific Aptitude of Students

Making Women About the Programs Run by the Department of Women and Child Development: A Historical Overview

Preeti Kumari

Prof. (Dr.) Chetlal Prasad

08-12-2021 Page: 132-141

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A Critical Study on Challenges and Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Library and Information Services

Sagar Smita Shankarrao

Dr. Janardhan Rao A N

11-12-2021 Page: 142-154

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